Please note that classes have resumed on their regular schedule.
Due to impending bad weather and then the Christmas holiday break, classes will be canceled until December 28th, 2024.
Have a safe and relaxing holiday.
A seminar will be held in Halifax on November 9th and 10th at the University of Kings College gymnasium in Halifax.
Saturday, November 9, from 10 AM to 4 PM and Sunday, November 10, from 10 AM to 2 PM.
Fees full weekend $90, Saturday $60.
Please see the details below.

Central New Brunswick Aikikai dojo is having it’s annual seminar at the YMCA in Fredericton from October 19th to 21st. The dojo is now located at the YMCA on 570 York Street.
The seminar will have two guest instructors:
James Constable, 6th dan, Shidoin, Lunenburg Aikikai
Graham Fraser, 5th dan, Shidoin, MSVU Aikikai

Please note that there will be no classes between June 22 and July 2nd, 2024 due to the CAF Summer Camp being held here in Halifax.
The first post-seminar class will take place on Thursday July 4th, 2024.
Dear CAF Participants,
Attending summer camp with Osawa Sensei is a very important part of our Aikido development. Yet we understand that it can be a difficult commitment to make for many of our participants, especially those who may be experiencing financial challenges.
In order to help as many CAF participants as possible attend summer camp with Osawa Sensei, we have a long standing bursary program in place.
Bursaries cover 100% of mat fees and partial travel costs. We ask for your help in spreading the word throughout your dojo about these bursaries. If you or someone you know might be interested in receiving a bursary, please visit The CAF Bursary Program Policy and Nomination Form Document for all the details.
Nomination forms and inquiries can be sent to
Nomination deadline is March 1, 2024. Updated deadline is March 15, 2024.
Chers participants à la FCA,
Participer à un camp d’été avec Osawa Sensei est une partie très importante de notre développement en Aikido. Cependant, nous comprenons qu’il peut s’agir d’un engagement difficile à prendre pour beaucoup de nos participants, en particulier pour ceux qui sont confrontés à des difficultés financières.
Afin d’aider le plus grand nombre possible de participants de la FCA à participer au camp d’été avec Osawa Sensei, nous avons en place un programme de bourses depuis longtemps.
Les bourses couvrent 100 % des frais d’inscription et une partie des frais de voyage. Nous vous demandons de nous aider à faire connaître ces bourses dans votre dojo. Si vous ou quelqu’un que vous connaissez est intéressé à recevoir une bourse, veuillez consulter la politique du programme de bourses de la FCA et le formulaire de mise en candidature pour tous les détails.
Les formulaires de candidature et les demandes de renseignements peuvent être envoyés à
La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 1er mars 2024.
Grant Babin
CAF Secretary / Secrétaire de la FCA
Please take advantage of the early bird discounted fees for summer camp and spread the word.
Registration is open: Earlybird rate on until April 30 2024
Dear members, registration for the 2024 CAF Summer Camp with Osawa Shihan in Halifax, NS, is now open. Take advantage of a discounted rate that is valid from now until April 30, 2024!
Please note that we have also added information on Accommodations and the Banquet on our website event page here. Be sure to book travel and accommodations early!
Registrations are open: Reduced rate in effect until April 30, 2024
Dear members, the registration page for the 2024 CFA Summer Camp with Osawa Shihan in Halifax, NS is now live. Take advantage of a reduced rate valid from now until April 30, 2024!
Please note that we have also added the accommodation and banquet details to our event page here. Be sure to book your travel and accommodation in advance!
As of February 4th, we will be moving our practices to a different location. This will be at the University of King’s College Gymnasium just off Coburg Rd, in Halifax. This is on the King’s College/Dalhousie University property, the room is the Dance Studio, and the entrance is the North facing set of doors.
There will be 3 x 1.5 hr classes per week:
- Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
- Saturday 1100 AM to 1230 PM
Because the facility we will be using is shared, the mats will not be down and will have to be put out at the beginning of the class and taken up at the end of each class. It will be helpful if people show up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than the beginning of the class so we can put the mats out. This facility has parking, locker rooms and shower facilities.
A reminder that the monthly fees are $100 with a drop-in fee of $20 for a visiting practitioner. If you wish to try a class in hopes of joining, there will be no charge for the first class.